ancient indian history

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In the Silence, due Her Absence,A few verses As long as mountains stand tall in this world,And rivers continue their endless flow,Songs of love will be sung by hearts unfurled,For feelings that only true lovers know. He was virtuous, mighty, and pious too,Learned, faultless, and powerful in every way.A handsome man, rare and true,In this …

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The Everlasting Light

“The Everlasting Light of Friendship” When the world seems harsh and cold, Remember friendship’s warmth, so bold.When troubles come and shadows grow,Time itself begins to show. When troubles come and shadows grow,Time itself begins to showIt’s ever-changing, shifting hue,Unveiling colors old and new. What to do, what to say,What to write, or sing today?Which reality …

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Adhoori Aasha

1947 के विभाजन के पश्चात, के कुछ मुशकिल पलFrom my mother’s life situations Extractsवह तीन बजे से राशन डिपो में खड़ी थी । ग्यारह बज चुके थे। भीड़ बहुत थी मई मास कीकड़‌कती धूप सिर पर पड़ने से, लाईन में खड़े लोगों को क्रोध की ज्वाला और भी प्रज्वलित हो रही थी। 400 ग्राम चीनी …

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Ancient Medicines

ऋषि धन्वन्तरि को  आयुर्वेद शास्त्र का देवता माना जाता है। धनतेरस के दिवस को स्वास्थ्य के देवता धन्वन्तरि का दिवस माना जाता है। धन्वन्तरि आरोग्य, सेहत, आयु और तेज के देवता हैं।आयुर्वेद की उत्पत्ति भगवान ब्रह्मा के समय से हुई । आदिकाल के सभी ग्रंथों में आयुर्वेदावतरण के प्रसंग में भगवान धन्वन्तरि का उल्लेख किया है। आयुर्वेद के …

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India’s History of Frequent Partitions

*Q: Partition of India was done how many times ?**Answer- SEVEN times in 61 years by the British rule.**Afghanistan was separated from India in 1876,**Nepal in 1904,**Bhutan in 1906,**Tibet in 1907,**Sri Lanka in 1935,**Myanmar (Burma) in 1937**and…**Pakistan in 1947.**India’s Partition of Akhanda Bharat*Unbroken India extended from the Himalayas to the Indian Ocean and from Iran …

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King Darius

King Darius History never repeats itself, but itcertainly rhymes.Situations change but fundamentalprinciples rarely do.Many important lessons have beenprovided throughout history that guideleaders aspiring to make their Societyand Nation great. If only we hadleaders possessing the character andthe willingness to learn.Fortunately, such leaders have onceagain begun to emerge in somecountries onto the world stage. Theirpeople will …

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About the Author: Dr Mehta Vasishtha Dev Mohan Dr Mehta Vasishtha Dev Mohan​ was an Indian scholar of the Pāli & Sanskrit languages. He was a dedicated scholar and an academician. He was born on 28 Sep 1917 in Village Jafarwal District Shekhupura. & grew up in a middle-class hindu family. His father Mehta Gokul …

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