ancient indian history

Bandhogarh Cave Inscriptions

The Bandhavgarh Fort is situated in Bandhavgarh  in Umaria district of Madhya Pradesh. It is located on the Bandhavgarh hill, rising 811 meters above sea level.
Bandhavgarh fort is an ancient fort believed to be as old as 2000 years. Some history scholars say that the fort was built by Lord Rama. He got it built during a short stay in Bandhavgarh (Bandhav meaning brother, and garh meaning fort) while he was returning from Lanka after defeating demon Ravana.
However it is understood from various religious scriptures that the Grandfather of Shri Krishna Shursen and father Vasudev had once ruled these regions. This kingdom was called parvat rashtra. The evidences found from these regions bring us to conclusion that there was a an advanced sanatan dharm civilization in this region. Several other archeological evidences confirm existence of Shorya Nagari founded by Raja Shoorsen.
Shorya Nagari was also called Gop Rashtra.

Inscription no 119.

Bandhogarh Cave Inscription ( Number 5)o Kochhiputa, Pothasiri, Year 86
Provenance: On the back wall of cave number in the Ganesh Pahar, near Bandogarh fort, Ramnagar Tehsil
Rewa district, Madhya Pradesh.
Script Brahmi
Language Pakrit

Text of the inscription
1. सिधम् महाराजस कोछीपुतरा पोठशिरिस संवछरे छासीते
90+6 हेमंत परवे प्रथम (=मे ) दि (च ) स (=से )
पँचमे 5(1) ऐताय़ं पुरुवायं कोरवियस नेग ( म ) स (=स ) नतिकस पशुह
2. धिकस पुतस रखितक (ए ) (=कस ) नेगमस छमिकस
नतिकस नेगमस दतीकस पुतस चलाये (=तस ) एते (सं ) दो
न जनाना सहीयं पु (तकेही ) अारामो लातानि च चमवारो
3. च (1) धर्मो वधतु इयं छा (तला ) ता

References N-P Chakravarty, Ep.Ind, XXXI, pp-179-80 No VI.

1. From the Facsimile in Ep.Ind, XXXI, Plate number, II, facing
inscriptions engarved in five different caves. Namely Numbers II-VI, ibid- more or less identical text.
2. The final. i.e. halanta. m, is indicated by engraving & smaller size and below the line.
3. This ma was left out at first. and then 1t was engraved above the line.
4. N.P Chakervarti
5. The editor D.C Sircar suggests that intended reading in these Inscriptions may be Lana instead of lata,
from layanaka in infa Number 121,
(inscription number XI, Ep.Ind, XXXI, pp182) layana is used in the same sense namely ya dwelling place.
English Translation of the inscription.

Success on the fifth, 5th day, of the first
fortnight of Hemanta (season). in the year eighty six 86, of
Maharaja Proshthasri. the son of Kautsi . In this aforesaid (day). (this) garden, the cave-dwelling and the vessel (changavara) are (the gifts of the two persons, (namely).
of Rakshitaka, the son of Phalgunastin (and) the grandson of the merchant Sramin or Kshamin. May the piety flourish This is student’s cave.
Chakervarti thinks that chhata here may be an umbrella (Chattra) A novice or student. But umbrella cave doesn’t give any sense.
Inscription number 120.

Bandhogarh Inscription (No.6) of Kochhiputa Pothasi. — (saka) Year 88.

Provenance: Right side of the back vall of cave No. 9 in the Ganesh Pahar, near Bandogarh fort, Ramnagar tehsil,
Rewa district, Madhya Pradesh.
Script Brahmi
References: N.P. Chakravarti, Ep.Ind., XXXI, Plate no II, facing pp.180.

English Translation of the inscription

Success ! In the year eighty eighty eight 88, in the reign of Mahraja Kautsiputra Proshthasri, on the fifth 5th day of
the second, 2nd fortnight of Hemanta season on this aforesaid
day as got excavated this cave-dwelling and the well, as an act of piety by the merchant Grihavriddhin, a resident of
Sapatnairika (and) the son of Sunita, (and) the grands son of Jivanaka, who was a merchant of Mathura.
May the lord, the Dharma and piety be pleased. And my religious merit
in this world may increase. This endowment has been given by
me as a religious foundation dharma-bhitti) with single
minded devotion and a sound body. ( and) the well, the water-vessel and the rope thar have been given by me or by sons, who are excellent (frontier-guards) and the dwelling (sandba): of tnese whatever be the merit ( accruing from) the well, half
of it is approved by me for the digger.
Text of the inscription
1. सिधम् महाराजस कोछीपुतस पोठसिरिस संवसरे अठा (सी ) ते 80+8 हेमंत पखे बि (तिये )
दिवसे पँचमे 5 ऐतायं पुरुवायं
2. यानिजक्स माधुरकस (ज़ि ) वनकस पौंत्तेन सुहीतस पुत्तेंन
सपतनैरिक वधवेन वानिजकेन गहवुधि (ना ) इमा धमचरणा
3. कूपि च खानिता प्रियतां भगवा चमो पुन्य च इह च मे
पुण्य वघेतु सध सरिरो च आनिन मानस निवि दिता धम भि ति
यो मये( व )
4. मम वा पुतेहि अंत पेही शतेहि कुप घटिक रजु च दत सोधो
य च तस कूपे फल ततो अधं अनुमंनति य च खानित्ता

Inscription number 121.
Bandhogarh Cave Inscription of Kautsiputra.
Proshthasri- (Saka) Year 87
Provenance: Back all of Cave bo. 12, near Bandogarh Fort.
Rewa district, Madhya Pradesh.
Script Brahmi of 2nd century AD.
Language: Prakrit
References: N.P. Chakravarti, Ep.Ind, XXXI, pp-185, No-XVII.
1. From the facsimile in Ep.Ind XXXI, facing p.185 Plate Inscription No. XVII.
2. Parvata as a place name occurs in tne pillar inscription of Pratihera Kakkuka of the Vikrama year 918 (Bhandarkar’s list. Number 32 and note).
Nipata also mentions a Rabbata-Battha (Parvata Rashtra) in the centre of Videha-ratha (Malalasekera), Dictionary of of Pali Proper names, II pp142) Panini also lists Pavata in tne Takshasifdi-gana on IV. 2, 143.
English Translation of the inscription
Success ! on the 5th day of the 2nd fortnight of the rainy season, in the year 87 of Maharaja Kautsiputra Proshthasri.
On this aforesaid day, (were constructed) the step-well, the
cave-dwelling and the gymnasium of the merchant (negama) Pushya,
the son of Ayasaka (and) a resident of Parvata. May piety increase.

1. सिधम् महाराजस कोछीपुतस पोठसिरि संव 80+7 वास2
दि 5(1 )
2. ऐताय पुरुवाए पवत वाधवस नेगमस आयासक – पुतस

3. पुसस वापी लाता घरो वाया मसाला चा (1) धम वढतु

Inscription number 120.

Bandhogarh Inscription (No.6) of Kochhiputa Pothasi. — (saka) Year 88.

Provenance: Right side of the back vall of cave No. 9 in the Ganesh Pahar, near Bandogarh fort, Ramnagar tehsil,
Rewa district, Madhya Pradesh.
Script Brahmi
References: N.P. Chakravarti, Ep.Ind., XXXI, Plate no II, facing pp.180.

English Translation of the inscription

Success ! In the year eighty eighty eight 88, in the reign of Mahraja Kautsiputra Proshthasri, on the fifth 5th day of
the second, 2nd fortnight of Hemanta season on this aforesaid
day as got excavated this cave-dwelling and the well, as an act of piety by the merchant Grihavriddhin, a resident of
Sapatnairika (and) the son of Sunita, (and) the grands son of Jivanaka, who was a merchant of Mathura.
May the lord, the Dharma and piety be pleased. And my religious merit
in this world may increase. This endowment has been given by
me as a religious foundation dharma-bhitti) with single
minded devotion and a sound body. ( and) the well, the water-vessel and the rope thar have been given by me or by sons, who are excellent (frontier-guards) and the dwelling (sandba): of tnese whatever be the merit ( accruing from) the well, half
of it is approved by me for the digger.
Text of the inscription
1. सिधम् महाराजस कोछीपुतस पोठसिरिस संवसरे अठा (सी ) ते 80+8 हेमंत पखे बि (तिये )
दिवसे पँचमे 5 ऐतायं पुरुवायं
2. यानिजक्स माधुरकस (ज़ि ) वनकस पौंत्तेन सुहीतस पुत्तेंन
सपतनैरिक वधवेन वानिजकेन गहवुधि (ना ) इमा धमचरणा
3. कूपि च खानिता प्रियतां भगवा चमो पुन्य च इह च मे
पुण्य वघेतु सध सरिरो च आनिन मानस निवि दिता धम भि ति
यो मये( व )
4. मम वा पुतेहि अंत पेही शतेहि कुप घटिक रजु च दत सोधो
य च तस कूपे फल ततो अधं अनुमंनति य च खानित्ता

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