ancient indian history

King Kuberka

Casket No. 3
A. On the upper stone
1. नेगमा
2. वछो चघो 
3. जेतो जंभो तिसो
4. रेतौ अचिनौ षभिको
5. अखघो केलो केसो  माहो 
6. सेटो छदिको घ  खबूलो
7. सोणुतरो  समणो
8. समणदाषो  सामको
9. कामुको चीतको
B.  On the rim of the lower stone
अरह दिनानं गोव्यिा मजूस च बमुगो च (1) तेन कम येन कुबिरको राजा अं (कि)
संस्कृत छाया
A. नगमा: – वत्सः, चड्-गः जयन्तः, जम्भः तिष्य:, रैवतः, अचीर्णः, सभिक:, अक्षघ्न:, केल:, केश :, माघ:, श्रेष्ठः, छर्दिकोघ:, खबूल:, सुवर्णोत्तर :, श्रमण:, श्रमणदास:, श्यामकः, कामुकः, चित्रक: (च इति) ।।
B. अर्हदूदत्तानां गौष्ठया  मञ्जूषा च समुद्गग: च । तेन (इदं) कर्म कृतं येन कुबेरक: राजा आडिकष्ट ( = राज्ञ: कुबेरकस्य प्रतिमा अडि  कता)।

English Translation
The members of the guild are: –
Vatsa, Changa, Jayanta, Jambha, Tishya, Raivata, Achirna, Sabhika, Akshaghna, Kela, Kasa, Māgha, Sreshtha, Chhardikogha, Khabula, Suvarnottara, Sramana, Sramanadasa,
Syamaka, Kamuka and chitraka. The cave is the excellent gift of the assemblage of women from Nandapura, and of the Committee of iron merchants for the treatment in sickness of the disciples of the Sramanas of Suvamamagha.
हिन्दी अनुवाद
सुवर्णमाघ के  आने वाले श्रमण-शिष्यों के रुग्णावस्था में उपचारार्य यह गुफा नन्दपुर से आई हुई माताओं के संघ का और लोहे के व्यापारियों की गोष्ठी का उत्तम दान है ।
2.  Brahmi Inscription from Salihundam
Provenance: Salihundam, Srikakulam district, Andhra Pradesh.
Script: Brahmi of about the Christs’ time.
Language: Prakrit
1.  A.S. Gadre, Ep.Ind. XXXI, pp.87-88.
धर्मरणो   असोक-सिरिनो

1. salihundam on the bank of the Vamsadhara is a famous Buddhist site, which has yielded many Buddhist structures and antiquities. The slab bearing the inscription formed part of the top frieze of stones on the exterior surface of the Mahachaitya.
2. On paleographic grounds the inscription is assigned to the period between the 2nd and the 1st centuries B.C. by Gadre, and to the 2nd century A.D. by D.C. Sircar.
3. From the facsimile in Ep.Ind. XXXI, facing p-87.
4. Gadre emends to धर्मा रणो and translates the inscription into “the religious edicts (dhamma) of the illustrious (king) Asoka” His reasoning is that the epithet Dharmaraja is applied in the Buddhist literature to Chakravartins, and that it is often applied to the Buddha. But the editor, D.C. Sircar, cites Buddhaghosha’s Samanta-pasadika, P.T.S.. VII, p. 309, where Ašoka is represented as a Dvipa-Chakravartin. The epithet Dharmaraja is most appropriate for Asoka. According to Sircar, it is a complete inscription. The slab bearing it was put up long after Asoka to indicate that the original structure was raised by him.

India is the only country which is blessed with noblest among noble souls. Nothing was left undone by Him, while blessing India. this fact had made India the most extraordinary country in the world.

India had the first civilization. India had the first accumulation of material wealth. she was populous with great thinkers and subtle intellects; she had mines, and woods, and noble souls.

One among them was King Kuberka. King Kuberaka was ruling over Bhattiprolu around 230 BCE. Bhattiprolu is a small village in Guntur of Andhra Pradesh. The original name of Bhattiprolu was Pratipalapura, a flourishing town of ancient Sala kingdom that predated Andhra.

Raja Kubereka was son of dhavira, who was once the Chief of the Simha Committee. Kumbha was the monk of the village Committee and Buba– the son of the village headman, namely Aliad.

From available inscriptional evidence, King Kuberaka was ruling over Bhattiprolu around 230 BCE. Bhattiprolu is well known for its Buddha Stupa also (Vikramarka kota dibba) built about 3rd-2nd century BCE. This script was written on an urn containing Buddha’s relics. The script is brahmi, but has also been named Bhattiprolu script. Archeological excavations prove that Bhattiprolu existed during the 3rd Century BC, having links with the Brahmi script that was later on known as Bhattiprolu script.

During the ancient period, Raja Kuberka took the responsibility in preserving the remnants of Lord Buddha.  The king was loved by his subjects & had built several temples in the kingdom.

The characters of this inscription, though considerably close to Ashoka’s displayed remarkable variance too, indicating that the art of writing was popularly practised in India for many centuries before the Mauryas.The script of the inscriptions is brahmi of about 3rd century BC

Bhattiprolu inscriptions, are of the time of kuberka and from the province Bhattiprolu of Krishna district AP.

This casket was produced by the father of Kura, the mother of Kura & Kura himself. They ordered the preparation of a casket and another box of crystal in order to deposit some relics of Budha.

This is the casket of Kura, the son of Banava. On the centre of casket no 2 is:-

A (centre)1 Gothi 2 Iliraiiavaghava 3 V[u]galako K[a]laho 4 Visako Thorasisi 5 Samano Odalo 6 Apaka . Shamudo 7 Amiga [h]o Kuro 8 Satugho Potako [P]oto Alinaka 9 V[a]nmo Piga[la]ko Koshako 10 Suto Papo Kabherakh[o] [Ga]e]ko 11 Samana[d]asho Bharado 12 Odalo Thoratiso Tiso 13 Gilano Jambho 14 Pudara (?) [B]ubo 15 Galavata Janako 16 Gosalakanam Kuro 17 Uposhathaputo Utaro 18 Karahaputo

“The Committee (consisted of) : — Hiranavaghava (Hiranyavydghrapdd) Vugalaka ( Udgdraka), Kajaha, Visaka ( Visvaka), Thorasisi (Sthaidasirshi), Samana (Sramana), Odala, Apaka, Sha- muda (Samudra), Anugaha (Anugraha), Kura, Satugha (Satrnghna), Potaka, Pota, Alinaka (Alinaka?), Varuna, Pigalaka (Pingalaka^, Koshaka (Kaus- ika?), Suta, Papa, (Kabherakha ?) (Kuberaka?), Galeka (?), Samaina[d]asha (Sramanaddsa), Bharada (Bharata) (L. 12), Odala (Anddra?) Thoratisa (Sthau- latishya), Tisa (Tishya), Gilana (Gland), Jambha Buba . Janaka, of the Gosalakas (Gosdlaka), Kura, the son of Uposhatha, (Ujiosa- tha), Utara (Uitara), the son of Karaha. Having been collected from Sramanadass, the exalted relics of the Budha have been deposited for the well being of all.

He said, “Kumba was monk incharge & Buba the goldsmith was son of headman. While Kuberka son of Sharira was the chief of simha committee

Uttara the son of Jaghanya was monk. Sanatna Dharma has a glorious past of righteous brahmin kings who personified fearlessness and valour. These kings were devoted to righteousness and were always keen on the all round progress of their people. The subject were very happy with their kings, who were guided by rishis/gurus.The kings would patronise many artists and would wholeheartedly support the arts. They would never attack others except in self defence even though they were capable of conquering the entire planet. Similarly in the later part of their life they would hand over the reins of their kingdom to their heir and would perform spiritual practice further by voluntary acceptance of Vanaprasthasrhram.

The remembrance of such great kings who have created the glorious history of Hindus is an incessant source of inspiration for everyone. Every incident in the life of these great heroes is a witness to their brilliant capabilities. Some special events in the lives of these bright kings have been given ahead to awaken the extinct pride in the minds of hindus.

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