ancient indian history

Mathura Museum Inscription

Inscription number 88. Mathura Museum Inscription of the time of Huvishika
Year 35
Provenance Likhanu, Hathras, Pargana,
Aligarh District
Script Brahmi
Language: Mixed Sanskrit and Prakrit
References: Vogel. C.A.M.M. p-62. No- A-63
Text of the inscription
सिद्द महरजस्य देवपुत्रस्य ही हुविश्कस्य सं 30 + 5 हेमन्त 

संस्कृत छाया
  सिद्धम् महाराजस्य देवपुत्रस्य सं वत्सरे 35 हेमन्त मासे

हिन्दी अनुवाद
सिद्ध हुआ महाराज देवपुत्र हुविष्क के संवत्सर 35 की हेमन्त ऋतु के

English Transation
Success In the year 35 of Maharaja, Devaputra Huviska in the winter month.

Reproduced from the catalogue of Archaeological Museum at Mathura

Inscription number 89
Mathura Jain Elephant Capital Inscription of the Time of Huvishika Year 38.
Provenance Mathura
Script Brahmi
Language Sanskrit influenced by Prakrit
References: Canningham, A.S.I.R.
VOLIII, p-32. Number IX, T Bloch, J.A.S.B, Vol LXVIII, Pt-I, p276, H Luders, Ind.Ant, XXXIII, Epigraphical Notes, pp-40, No 10.

Text of the inscription
1. महाराजस्य देवपुत्रस्य हुविश्कस्य सं 30
2. हे 3 दि 10 एतये पु व्व्रये नदि विशाल
3. प्रतिष्यापितो शिवदास श्रेष्ठन
4. अयेन रुद्रदासेंन अरहन्तन पूज़ाये

संस्कृत छाया
महाराजस्य देवपुत्रस्य हुविष्कस्य सं वत्सरे 38
हे मन्त मासे दि 1 वसे 10 एतस्यां पुर्वायां नन्दिविशाख:
प्रतिष्ठापित: शिवदास श्रेष्ठिपुत्रेन श्रेष्ठिना आर्येन रुद्रदासेन अहेतां पूज़ाये

1. Ind.Ant. XXXIII contains only a brief discussion mainly of the word
2. From the facsimile in A.S.1 R. Vol III.
3. Nandi is the name of Sivas bull.
Sivas bull for worship by Jain arhats, is rather odd.
Scholars have offered various explanations that hardly appear plausible. Cunningham translated the word Nandi Visala as his elephant or great Nandi). In Dr Bloch’s
opinion, it may mean that the pillar was ‘as big as Nandin’
or it may be a technical term of an unknown meaning.
Luders thinks that that Nandivisala is the proper name of the elephant,
represented in the sculpture and not a technical term for a sort of pillars’, since the inscription is engraved
immediately below the elephant. But no elephant of this name is known in Jain litarature. However in buddhist
canonical wok, Suttavibhanga (Pach II, 1} the Budh a tells
a story of a bull Nandivisala, at Takkasila, who could draw
a hundred loadad carts. The same story is made up into a
Jataka (number-28), called the Nandivisala-Jataka after the
name of the hero, who is identified with the Buddha in a former birth. Luders, however admits that the tymological
meaning of the word is as big as siva’s bull (Nandi)
Most plausible is the opinion of Dr Bloch, that since the name of the donor and of his father have both Saiva connotation, Jainisn like, Buddhism, had apparently existed in these early times
English Translation of the inscription
In the year 36 of Maharaja Devaputra Huvishika, on the 10th day of the 3rd winter month. On this aforesaid
day, the huge Nandi (Siva’s bull} was set up by the Sreshthin, the respectable Rudredasa the son of the merchant
Sivadasa, for the worship of the Arhats.

Inscription number 90.
Mathura Bodhisattva Image inscription of the time of Huvishika
Year 39
Provenance: Mathara
Script: Brahmi
Language: Prakrit
References: Daya Ram Sahni, EP.Ind-XIX
pp-66 Number II
Text of the inscription
महाराजस दे वपुत्रस हुव ष्कस्य सं 30 द 3 दि 5 पुवयं भिक्षु
भिक्षुणिये बुधदेवाय बोधिसत्वो प्रतिधापितो सहा माता पितिहि सर्व तत्व हित सुख ये
English Translation of the inscription

In the year 39 of Maharai Devapuutra, Huviska. On the 5th day of the 3rd month of the rainy season,
On this date, as specified above this Boddhisattva was
set up by the nun Pushyahastini togather with the nun
Buddhadeva. together with their Parents, for the welfare and happiness of all sentient beings.

1. From the facsimile in Ep-Ind XIX facing page 66

  • Reference

Sanskrit, Hindi & English Translation of the ancient Inscriptions, by Dr Mehta Vasishtha Dev Mohan –
Kindly Visit
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Published & Edited by
Cdr Alok Mohan

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