ancient indian history

Sarnath Inscriptions

Inscription number 112.

Sarnath Fragmentary Inscription of Raja Asvaghosha
(Probably a contemporary of Huvishka)

Provenance: Sarnath, near Varanasi. Utter Pradesh
Script: Brahmi of early koshana type.
Language: Prakrit influenced by Sanskrit
References: J.Ph. Vogel, Ep.Ind,- VIII,
p- 172

Text of the inscription
1. राझो अश्वघोष स्य
2. उपल हे म न्तपक्षे

संस्कृत छाया
राझ: अश्वघोषस्य उपल हेम [न्त-j पक्षे – – –
हिन्दी अनुवाद
राजा अश्वघोष के ( राज्यकाल में ) —[ हेमन्त ऋतु
के पक्ष में
English Translation of the inscription
In the reign of Raja Asvaghosha —– upala (?) in the fortnight of winter.

Inscription number 113.
Kosam Foot print slab Inscription
Provenance: Kosam, Prayagraj district, Utter Pradesh.
Script: Brahmi of first century AD.
Language Prakrit influenced by sanskrit
References: A. Ghosh, Ep.Ind- XXXIV, pp14-15, D.C. Sircar,. Ep Ind. XXXIV,.

From the facsimile in Ep.Ind. XXXIV, facing p.16. The importance of the inscription lies in the fact that it confirms the statement in the Dhmamapadattakatha
that the famous Buddhist establishment known as Ghoshi-tarama at Kausambi was built for the Buddha ‘s residence by Ghoshaka, the treasurer of king Udayana. The other
contemporary Buddhist establishments at Kausambi known to Pali literature were those built by Kukkuta and pavarika, two colleagues of Ghoshaka and the fourth was Badarikarama
(For references see G. P Malalasekera, Dictionary of Pali Names, I, p-828 for Ghosaka-Setthi, p.612 for Kukkuta,
Vol.II, p.194 for Pavarika and p 263 for Badarikarama).
Text of the inscription
1. भयं तस धरस अतेवासिस भिक्षुस फगुलस
2. बुधावासे घोषिताराये सव बुधाना पुजाये शिलाका रि ता

संस्कृत छाया
भदन्तस्य धरस्य अन्तेवासिन: भिक्षो: फगुलस्य बुद्धावासे  घोषितारामे सर्व-बुद्दानां  पूजायै  शिला कारिता ।
हिन्दी अनुवाद
भदन्त धर के शिष्य भिक्षु फगुल की —- बुद्द के आवास गृह घोषिताराम में सब बुद्दों  की पूजा हेतु शिला बनवाई गई ।

English Translation of the inscription
This slab has been caused to be made of the monk Phagula, the desciple of the reverend Dhara at the
residence of the Buddha, in the Ghoshitarama for the worship of
all the Buddhas.

This is pertinent to mention here that
Kaushambi is pilgrimage of Buddhists which is a city of Uttar Pradesh, It attracts pilgrims throughout the year & it is believed that Buddha had delivered many of his sermons here.
Ghosita,who was a leading banker of this city, had invited Lord Buddha to Kaushambi and had constructed this monastery for his retreat. Buddha is said to have graced this monastery, when he visited Kaushambi during the 6th and 9th year of his attaining enlightenment.
Koshambi city was earlier known as Pali city, Which was an important city/capital of the Vatsa kingdom, one of the sixteen mahajanapadas.
Raja Ashvaghosha, who was also a philosopher & a great poet had got enlightened awakened at kaushambi. He wrote a book ‘Buddhacarita’ related to the life of the Buddha.

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